CRISP Archived Issues

Volume 33

01. Steven M. Graham and Benjamin M. Valen. Finding Positives in the Pandemic: The Role of Relationship Status, Self-Esteem, Mental Health, and Personality.

02. Huacen Xu. Examining Public Attitudes and Ideological Divides Through Media Engagement: An Empirical Analysis of Moral Foundations Theory Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Volume 32

01. Mark Byrne, Agnes Higgins, and Jan de Vries: Cognitive Dissonance and Depression: A Qualitative Exploration of a Close Relationship.

02. Dan Confino, Noa Noa Schori-Eyal, and Juan M. Falomir-Pichastor: Gender Differences in Support for Collective Punishment: The Moderating Role of Malleability Mindset.

03. Nguyen Duc Nhan, Ngo Vinh Tai, Dang Nguyen Thien An, and Nguyen Song Gia Anh. "Passive Social Network Usage and Hedonic Well-Being Among Vietnamese University Students: A Moderated Mediation Model Involving Self- Esteem and Sense of Self.

04. Anastasia Kitiashvili. Formation of a Positive Social Identity: How Significant are Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Similarity Concerning Group Identification?

05. Christabel L. Rogalin and Cheryl W. DeLeón. When Race is Not Enough: Lessons Learned Using Racially Tagged Names.

Volume 31

01. Medhi Cohu, Gaëlle Marinthe, Alice Kasper, Christelle Maisonneuve, and Benoit Testé. Malleability of Laïcité: People with High Social Dominance Orientation Use Laïcité to Legitimize Public Prayer by Catholics but not by Muslims.

02. Steven R. Wininger, Kerry D. Duck, and Antony D. Norman. Differences and Predictive Abilities of Competitiveness Between Motivation Levels, Contexts, and Sex.

03. Meridyn Tan and Smita Singh. Drivers of Prosocial Behavior: Exploring the Role of Mindset and Perceived Cost.

04. Kenneth Cramer, James Nickels, and Denise DeBlock. Perceived Control in Multiple Option Scenarios: Choice, Control, and the Make-a-Difference Metric.

05. David J. Grüning, Annalena M. Loose, and Joachim I. Krueger. Hard Feelings? Predicting Attitudes Toward Former Romantic Partners.

Volume 30

01. Yvonne Emig. Ingroup Bias in the Context of Meat Consumption: Direct and Indirect Attitudes Toward Meat-Eaters and Vegetarians.

02. Matthew Facciani. A Novel Approach for Measuring Self-Affirmation.

03. Jessica Hodges, Bailey Dodd, and Jana Hackathorn. Parental Rejection and Peer Acceptance: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Bias. 

04. Cassandra Flick and Judith Platania. Perceptions of Case Complexity and Pre-Trial Publicity Through the Lens of Information Processing.

Volume 29

01. Sandro Costarelli. "Aggressive and Avoidant Action Tendencies Towards Out-Groups: The Distinct Roles of In-Group Attachment Vs. Glorification and Cognitive Vs. Affective Ambivalence."

02. Eliana Sanandres, Camilo Madariaga, and Jose Ávila. "Personal Networks and Social Support in Disaster Contexts."

03. Emir Üzümçeker and Serap Akfırat. "Muslims' Desire for Intergroup Revenge in the Aftermath of the Christchurch Attack: The Predictive Roles of Ingroup Identification, Perceived Intergroup Threat, and the Norm of Reciprocity."

Volume 28

01. Amy R. Baxter, Christopher P. Kelley, Peter J. Reiley, and Jeffrey W. Lucas. "We (Might) Want You: Expectations of Veterans' General Competence and Leadership."

02. Daniel Flint, Antonio Pagan, Tom Cook, Michael Bailey, and Max Butterfield. "Situation Attribution Mediates Intention to Overlook Negative Signals Among Romantic Partners."

03. Daniel B. Shank, Alexander Burns, Sophia Rodriguez, Madison Bowen. "Software Program, Bot, or Artificial Intelligence? Affective Sentiments across General Technology Labels."

Volume 27

01. Erika Mårtensson, Fredrik Björklund, Martin Bäckström. "Privilege is Invisible to Those Who Have It.": Some Evidence that Men Underestimate the Magnitude of Gender Differences in Income.

02. John A. Hunter, Damian Scarf, Jayson Trent, Jill Hayhurst, Min Hooi Yong, Joanna Chan, May Huang, Kate Fahey, Ted Ruffman, Michael J. Platow, and Maurice Stringer. "Perceived Control and Intergroup Discrimination."

03. Christopher D. Moore, Joseph Dippong, and Michael S. Rejtig. "Leadership, Gender, and Vocal Dynamics in Small Groups."

Volume 26

01. Daubman, Kimberly A., Eleanor A. McCabe, Christine Quinn, Lindsay S. Allardyce. "Taking Responsibility for an Offense: Being Forgiven Encourages More Personal Responsibility, More Empathy for the Victim, and Less Victim Blame."

02. Vicary, Amanda M and Amanda Larsen. "Potential Factors Influencing Attitudes Toward Veterans Who Commit Crimes: An Experimental Investigation of PTSD in the Legal System."

03. Bastart, Jennifer, Maria-Antoneta Popa-Roch, and Florian Delmas. "'Is the Discrimination? I'd Better Report it!' Self-Presentation Concerns Moderate the Prototype Effect."

04. Kim, Bora. "Relation Between Attitudinal Trust and Behavioral Trust: An Exploratory Study."

05. Shank, Daniel, and Alexander Burns. "Comparing Groups' Affective Sentiments to Group Perceptions."

Volume 25

09. Masataka Takebe and Koji Murata. "Perceived Autonomous Help and Recipients' Well-Being: Is Autonomous Help Good for Everyone?"

08. Yvonne Emig and Øyvind Jørgensen. "Studying Gay and Straight Males' Implicit Gender Attitudes to Understand Previously Found Gender Differences in Implicit In-Group Bias."

07. Jody A. Thompson and Carey J. Fitzgerald. "Nepotistic Preferences in a Computerized Trolley Problem."

06. Lisa Slattery Walker and Shahar S. Gur. "Telecommuting, Primary Caregiving, and Gender as Status."

05. Vaughn T. Rankin and John A. Hunter. "You're Either With Us or Against Us: In-Group Favoritism and Threat."

04. Celia Blanchet and Estelle Michinov. "Impact of the Anticipation of Membership Change on Transactive Memory and Group Performance."

03. Carey J. Fitzgerald and Adam K. Lueke. "Mindfulness Increases Analytical Thought and Decreases Just World Beliefs."

02. Joseph Dippong and Will Kalkhoff. "Status, Performance Expectations, and Affective Impressions: An Experimental Replication."

01. Troy Deskins, Rusty B. McIntyre, Michael Bartosek, and Eric W. Fuller. "The Effects of African-American Stereotype Fluency on Prejudicial Evaluation of Targets."

Volume 24

05. Christopher Barnum, Jennifer McLeer, and Barry Markovsky. "Status Characteristics and Self-Categorization: A Bridge Across Theoretical Traditions."

04. Masataka Takebe and Koji Murata. "Why Do Extraverts Feel More Positive Affect and Life Satisfaction? The Indirect Effects of Social Contribution and Sense of Power." 

03. Sandro Costarelli and Elena Colis. "In-Group Attachment and Glorification, Perceptions of Cognition-Based Ambivalence as Contributing to the Group and Positive Affect."

02. R.C. Morris. "Mentoring to Improve a Child's Self-Concept: Longitudinal Effects of Social Intervention on Identity and Negative Outcomes."

01. Sieun An, Michael Marks, and David Trafimow. "Affect, Emotion, and Cross-Cultural Differences in Moral Attributions."

Volume 23 Numbers 01-08

08. Erica R. Eavers, Melissa A. Berry, and Dario N. Rodriguez. "The Effects of Counterfactual Thinking on College Students' Intentions to Quit Smoking Cigarettes."

 07. Michael R. Ransom, Chris Kast, and Robert K. Shelly. "Self-Enhancement, Self-Protection and Ingroup Bias."

06. Shahar Gur, Chelsea Beveridge, and Lisa Slattery Walker. "The Moderating Relationship of Socio-emotional Factors on the Relationship Between Status and Influence in Status Characteristics Theory."

05. Fernando Gordillo and Lilia Mestas. "What We Know About People Shapes the Inferences We Make About Their Personalities."

04. Sandro Costarelli. "The Pros and Cons of Ingroup Ambivalence: The Moderating Roles of Attitudinal Basis and Individual Differences in Ingroup Attachment and Glorification."

 03. Kenta Tsumura and Koji Murata. "Effects of Social Anxiety and Group Membership of Potential Affiliates on Social Reconnection After Ostracism."

02. Kaitlyn Gillard and Kenneth M. Cramer. ""Yes, I Decide You Will Receive Your Choice": Effects of Authoritative Agreement on Perceptions of Control."

 01. Carey J. Fitzgerald and Adam Lueke. "Being Generous to Look Good: Perceived Stigma Increases Prosocial Behavior in Smokers."

Volume 22 Numbers 01-13

13. Anne-Laure Hernandez, Sandrine Redersdorff, and Delphine Martinot. "Which Judgement Do Women Expect From a Female Observer When They Claim to be a Victim of Sexism?"

12. Benjamin A. Saunders. "Acting White? Black Young Adults Devalue Same-Race Targets for Demonstrating Positive-but-Stereotypically White Traits."

11. Tara Van Bommel, Alyssa Boasso, and Janet B. Ruscher. "Looking Up for Answers: Upward Gaze Increases Receptivity to Advice."

10. Chris Barnum and Tiffany Miller. "Neighborhood Deterioration and Perceptions of Race."

09. R. Matthew Montoya and Kate C. Hibbard. "The Use of Covert an Overt Jealousy Tactics in Romantic Relationships: The Moderating Role of Relationship Satisfaction."

08. Mamadi Corra. "The Impact of Status Differences on Gatekeeping: A Theoretical Bridge and Bases for Investigation."

07. Becky L. Choma, Jaysan J. Charlesford, and Gordon Hodson. "Reducing Prejudice with (Elaborated) Imagined and Physical Intergroup Contact Interventions."

05. Brett Rustin and Rob Foels. "Gender Differences in the Need to Belong: Different Cognitive Representations of the Same Social Groups."

04. Jamie S. Hughes, J. LeChelle Creech, Chelsey Kendall, and Hally F. Bell. "Blame Attributions about Disloyalty."

03. Matthew H. Scheel, Brian H. Roscoe, Victoria G. Schaewe, and Christina S. Yarbrough. "Attitudes Towards Muslims are More Favorable on a Survey than on an Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP)."

02. David E. Rohall, Olena Prokopenko, Morten G. Ender, and Michael D. Matthews. "The Role of Collective and Personal Self-Esteem in a Military Context."

01. Sandro Costarelli and Justyna Gerlowska. "Attributions to Low Group Effort can Make You Feel Better: The Distinct Roles of In-group Identification, Legitimacy of Intergroup Status, and Controllability Perceptions."

Volume 21 Numbers 01-10

10. Jay Wood. "Fight the Power: Comparing and Evaluating Two Measures of French and Raven's (1959) Bases of Social Power."

09. Michael R. Ransom and Mark D. Alicke. "On Bended Knee: Embodiment and Religious Judgments."

08. R.C. Morris, "Identity Salience and Identity Importance in Identity Theory."

07. Thomas E. Ford, Julie A. Woodzicka, Shane R. Triplett, and Annie O. Kochersberger. "Sexist Humor and Beliefs that Justify Societal Sexism."

06. Ola Nordhall and Jens Agerstrom. "Future-Oriented People Show Strong Moral Concerns."

05. Michael Harrod. "Further Examining the Buffering Effect of Self-Esteem and Mastery on Emotions."

04. Stefano Pagliaro, Francesca Romana Alparone, Laura Picconi, Daniele Paolini, and Antonio Aquino. "Group-Based Resiliency: Contrasting the Negative Effects of Threat to the In-group."

03. Susan Sprecher, Stanislav Treger, Nicole Hilaire, Amanda Fisher, and Elaine Hatfield. "You Validate Me, You Like Me, You're Fun, You Expand Me: 'I'm Yours!'"

02. Vanessa A. Edkins and Lucian E. Dervan. "Pleading Innocents: Laboratory Evidence of Plea Bargaining's Innocence Problem."

01. Michael J. Carter. "The Moral Identity and Group Affiliation."

Volume 20 Numbers 01-07

07. Chris Myers, Dominic Abrams, Harriet E.S. Rosenthal, and Julie Christian. "Threat, Prejudice, and Stereotyping in the Context of Japanese, North Korean, and South Korean Intergroup Relations."

06. Carey J. Fitzgerald and Chelsea Loeffler. "Exams May be Dangerous to Grandpa's Health: How Inclusive Fitness Influences Students' Fraudulent Excuses."

05. Justin T. Buckingham, Ethan Zell, and David R. Schurtz. "Social Comparison Seeking: Providing General Comparison Curtails Local Comparison."

04. Phoebe S. Lin, Lynne N. Kennette, Lisa R. Van Havermaet, Nichole M. Frank, and Rusty B. McIntyre. "Priming Ability-Relevant Social Categories Improves Intellectual Test Performance."

03. Jakob Eklund, Carina Loeb, Eric M. Hansen, and Ann-Charlotte Andersson-Wallin. "Who Cares About Others?: Empathic Self-Efficacy as an Antecedent to Prosocial Behavior."

02. Stefano Pagliaro, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, Francesca Romana Alparone, Claudio Radogna, and Angelica Mucchi-Faina. "Ambivalence Toward the In-Group Underlies Individual Identity Management Strategies."

01. R.C. Morris. "The Relative Influence of Values and Identities on Academic Dishonesty: A Quantitative Analysis."

Volume 19 Numbers 01-03

03. Gretchen Peterson. "The Generalized Exchange of Punishments in Adult Recreational Softball: The Case of "Going Middle."

02. Daniel M. Rempala. "Interhemispheric Communication and Emotional Reactivity."

01. Naureen Bhullar. "Self-Ratings of Love and Fear on Emotional Contagion Scale Depend on the Environmental Context of Rating."

Volume 18 Numbers 01-06

06. Marcia A. Finkelstein. "Dispositional Correlates of Informal Volunteering."

05. Crosby Hipes. "The Stigma of Mental Health Treatment in the Military: An Experimental Approach."

04. Scott Brenton. "When the Personal Becomes Political: Mitigating Damage Following Scandals."

03. Chris Kast, Michael Richard Ransom, and Robert Shelly. "Self-Enhancement Through Group and Individual Social Judgments."

02. Matthew H. Scheel, Lauren A. Fischer, Anthony J. McMahon, Melissa M. Mena, and Joshua E. Wolf. "The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) as a Measure of Women's Stereotypes About Gay Men."

01. Elizabeth D. Peturson, Kenneth M. Cramer, and Chantal M. Pomerleau. "Attributional Errors and Gender Stereotypes: Perceptions of Male and Female Experts on Sex-Typed Material."

Volume 17 Numbers 01-05

05. Jason D. Seacat and Richard Hirshman. "Attributions and Expectancies About People Living with HIV/AIDS: Implications for Stereotyping."

04. Stephen Worchel, Hank Rothgerber, and Eric Anthony Day. "Social Loafing and Group Development: When "I" Comes Last."

03. Ann Converse Shelly and Robert K. Shelly. "An Empirical Test of Legitimation as a Status Process."

02. Jens Agerstrom, Fredrik Bjorklund, and Rickard Carlsson. "Gender Differences in Implicit Moral Orientation Associations: The Justice and Care Debate Revisited."

01. Lohyd Terrier, Robert-Vincent Joule, and Benedicte Marfaing. "Requestor's Acceptance and Non-Acceptance of the Refusal of the Initial Request: How to Improve the Door in the Face Effects."

Volume 16 Numbers 01-12

12. Amy S. Walzer and Alexander M. Czopp. "Mother Knows Best so Mother Fails Most: Benevolent Stereotypes and the Punishment of Parenting Mistakes."

11. Andreas Schneider and Herman W. Smith. "Religious Attributions in Cross-Cultural Comparison."

10. Christabel L. Rogalin and Shirley A. Keeton. "Does 1 + 1 = 3?: Combining Disparate Identity Meanings."

09. Steven Arnocky and Mirella Stroink. "Gender Differences in Environmentalism: The Mediating Role of Emotional Empathy."

08. Jane Sell, Stuart Hysom, Louis Lang, Tony P. Love, Biancha Manago, Huong Le, Tiffany Spivey. "Developing a Social Psychology Laboratory on a Shoestring."

07. Justin T. Buckingham, Lavonia Smith LeBeau, and William M.P. Klein. "The Performance Versus Ability Distinction Following Social Comparison Feedback."

06. Mari Sayama and Hiroki Sayama. "Positive Stereotyping and Multicultural Awareness: An Online Experiment."

05. Justine E. Tinkler and Christine Horne. "Attitudes Towards Transracial Adoption: Measures and Correlates."

04. John Tawa and Grace S. Kim. "How Does Our Biological Belief in Race Relate to Our Feelings Towards In-Group and Out-Groups?: A Cognitive Dissonance Framework."

03. Andrew M. Penner and Robb Willer. "Stigma and Glucose Levels: Testing Ego Depletion and Arousal Explanations of Stereotype Threat Effects."

02. Stephen Jefferson. "The Role of Shame as a Mediator Between Anti-Black Racial Identity Attitudes and Negative Affect in a Sample of African American College Students."

01. Tanguy Leroy, Veronique Christophe, Gerald Delelis, Marjolaine Corbeil, and Jean-Louis Nandrino. "Social Affiliation as a Way to Socially Regulate Emotions: Effects of Others' Situational and Emotional Similarities."

Volume 15 Numbers 01-12

12. Nick J. Richardson and Christopher C. Barnum. "The Effect of Communicative Impediments on Interpersonal Attachment and Deviance."

11. Kenneth M. Cramer and Justin T. Gates. "Individualism, Collectivism, and Perceptions of Control Associated with Control and Choice."

10. Daniel B. Shank. "An Affect Control Theory of Technology."

09. Michael B. Kitchens and Carol L. Gohm. "The Effect of Reappraising Social Exclusion on Emotional Distress."

08. Youngreen, Reef. "Status Change and the Presentation of Minority Perspectives."

07. Stalder, Daniel R. "The Power of Proverbs: Dissonance Reduction Through Common Sayings."

06. Smith, Kalynda and Kellina Craig-Henderson. "Cognitive Distraction and African American Women's Endorsement of Gender Role Stereotypes."

05. Fuegen, Kathleen and Nicole F. Endicott. "Evidence of Shifting Standards in Judgments of Male and Female Parents' Job-Related Ability."

04. MacInnis, Cara C., Sean P. Mackinnon, Peter D. MacIntyre. "The Illusion of Transparency and Normative Beliefs about Anxiety during Public Speaking."

03. Ridolfo, Heather, Amy Baxter, and Jeffrey W. Lucas. "Social Influences on Paranormal Belief: Popular Versus Scientific Support."

02. McIntyre, Katherine A. and Judith Platania. "Giving in to Group Pressure: The Impact of Socialization and Risk on Perceived Outcomes."

01. Thye, Shane and Will Kalkhoff. "Seeing the Forest through the Trees: An Updated Meta-Analysis of Expectation States Research."

Volume 14 Numbers 01-10

10. Haslam, Nick and Simon M. Laham. "Ten Years on: Does Graduate Student Promis Predict Later Scientific Achievement?"

09. Hart, Christian L., Derek G. Fillmore, and James D. Griffith. "Indirect Detection of Deception: Looking for Change."

08. Dixon, David J. and Greg L. Robinson-Riegler. "The Effects of Language Priming and Unique vs. Collective Self-Priming on Independent and Interdependent Self-Constual among Chinese University Students Currently Studying English."

07. Collett, Jessica L. and Ellen Childs. "Does Major Matter? Considering the Implications of Collecting Vignette Data from Our Students."

06. Harrod, Wendy J., Bridget K. Welch, and Jeff Kushkowski. "Thirty-One Years of group Research in Social Psychology Quarterly (1975-2005)."

05. Kast, Chris. "Social Identity Similarity Effects on Interpersonal Evaluation."

04. Le Barbenchon, Emmanuelle, Isabelle Milhabet, Dirk D. Steiner, and Daniel Priolo. "Social Acceptance of Exhibiting Optimism."

03. Kalkhoff, Will, and Stanford W. Gregory, Jr. "Beyond the Issues: Nonverbal Vocal Communication, Power Rituals, and 'Rope-A-Dopes' in the 2008 Presidential Debates."

02. Case, Kim A., Harold D. Fishbein, and P. Neal Ritchey. "Personality, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Women and Homosexuals."

01. Willer, Robb, and Nick Adams. "The Threat of Terrorism and Support for the 2008 Presidential Candidates: Results of a National Field Experiment."

Volume 13 Numbers 01-21

21. Martinot, Delphine, Michel Désert, and Sandrine Redersdorff. "When Girls Evaluate Themselves Better than Boys in Minority Groups: Role of the Performance Context."

20. Pittman, Chavella T. "The Relationship between Social Influence and Social Justice Behaviors."

19. Wachelke, Joao Fernando Rech, and Samuel Lincoln Bezerra Lins. "Changing Masks: A Masking Effect on Young People's Social Representation on Aging."

18. Gustafsson, Una, and Fredrik Bjorklund. "Women Self-Stereotype with Feminine Stereotypical Traits under Stereotype Threat."

17. Oldmeadow, Julian A., Gemma Collett, and Christine Little. "Bridging the Gap: The Role of Shared Group Membership in Status Generalization."

16. Dambrun, Michael, Villate, Magali, and Richetin, Juliette. "Implicit racial Attitudes and Their Relationships with Explicit Personal and Cultural Beliefs: What Personalized and Traditional IATs Measure."

15. Renaud, Sarah-Jane, and Stewart Page. "Reporting Differences in Depression and Health Risk Evaluations in Dissimilar Testing Conditions."

14. Hack, Andreas, and Frauke Lammers. "When Social Accounts Work: Evidence from Ultimatum Games."

13. Pellegrini, Robert J., Robert A. Hicks, and Juan C. Lopez. "Is There A Multiple Chance Effect in Human Performance? A Preliminary Study of Expected Opportunity."

12. Fointiat, Valérie. "Being Together in a Situation of Induces Hypocrisy."

11. Montoya, R. Matthew. "Gender Similarities and Differences in Preferences for Specific Body Parts."

10. Viki, G. Tendayi, Mauela Thomae, Amy Cullen, and Hannah Fernandez. "The Effect of Sexist Humor and Type of Rape on Men's Self-Reported Rape Proclivity and Victim Blame."

09. De Oliveira, Pierre, and Michaël Dambrun. "Maintaining the Status Quo and Social Inequalities: Is Stereotype Endorsement Related to Support for System Justification?"

08. Ladebo, Olugbenga Jelil, and Joseph Mubo Awotunde. "Emotional and Behavioral Reactions to Work Overload: Self-Efficacy as a Moderator."

07. Thomas, Susan, Rosanne Burton Smith, and Peter Ball. "Implicit Attitudes in Very Young Children: An Adaptation of the IAT."

06. Hentges, Beth A., Jo A. Meier, and Robert A. Bartsch. "The Effect of Race, Gender, and Bias on Liking of Commercials with Perceived Stereotypes."

05. Nath, Leda E. "Expectation States: Are Formal Words a Status Cue for Competence?"

04. Batalha, Luisa, Nazar Akrami, and Bo Ekehammar. "Outgroup Favoritism: The Role of Power Perception, Gender, and Conservatism."

03. Barnum, Christopher, and Bary Markovsky. "Group Membership and Social Influence."

02. Aoki, Keiko, Yohsuke Ohtsubo, Amnon Rapoport, and Tatsuyoshi Saijo. "Effects of Prior Investment and Personal Responsibility in a Simple Network Game."

01. Dixson, David J. "The Effects of Language Priming on Independent and Interdependent Self-Construal among Chinese University Students Currently Studying English."

Volume 12 Numbers 01-13

13. Jones, Daniel N., and Aurelio Jose Figueredo. "Mating Effort as a Predictor of Smoking in a College Sample."

12. Hossain, Mohammad Samir, Mohammad Zakaria Siddique, and Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury. "Impacts and Adjustments of the Phenomenon, "Death," in Bangladeshi Muslims with Different Extents of Religiosity."

11. Moser, Karin S. "Metaphors as Symbolic Environment of the Self: How Self-Knowledge is Expressed Verbally."

10. Hardie, Elizabeth A., Christine Critchley, and Kate Swann. "Self-Coping Complexity: The Role of Relational, Individual and Collective Self-Aspects and Corresponding Coping Styles in Stress and Health."

09. Graham, Steven, M., and Margaret S. Clark. "Segregating Positive and Negative Thoughts about Partners: Implications for Context-Dependence and Stability of Partner Views."

08. Tanner, Barry A. "A Modification of Ponton's Equation for Calculating Probabilities in Normal Distributions."

07. McGann, Kevin J., and Kerri A. Goodwin, "Gay Men Remembered: The Biasing Role of Stereotypes in Memory."

06. Légal , Jean-Baptiste, Thierry Meyer, and Sylvain Delouvée. "Effect of Compatibility between Conscious Goal and Nonconscious Priming on Performance."

05. Jameson, Matthew T., Robert Diehl, and Henry Danso. "Stereotype Threat Impacts College Athletes' Academic Performance."

04. Coats, Susan, Ioana M. Latu, and Leslie A. Haydel. "The Facilitative Effect of Evaluative Fit on Social Categorization."

03. Foels, Rob. "Ingroup Favoritism and Social Self-Esteem in Minimal Groups: Changing A Social Categorization into a Social Identity."

02. Hall, Scott S. "Parental Predictors of Young Adults' Belief Systems of Marriage."

01. Kim, Young M. "Gender Differences in Whites' Opposition to Government Interventions: A Pro-Social Orientation of 'Femaleness' or a Shared Sense of 'Whiteness'?"

Volume 11 Numbers 01-16

16. Sprecher, Susan and Beverley Fehr. "Enhancement of Mood and Self-Esteem as a Result of Giving and Receiving Compassionate Love."

15. Lewandowski, Gary W. Jr. and Samantha Harrington. "The Influence of Phonetic Abbreviations on the Evaluation of Student Performance."

14. Allison, Scott T., A. Neville Uhles, Arlene G. Asuncion, James K. Beggan, and Diane M. Mackie. "Self-Serving Outcome-Biases in Trait Judgments about the Self."

13. Case, Kim A., Harold D. Fishbein, and P. Neal Ritchey. "Personality's Influence on Higher Order Factors of Prejudice and Discrimination."

12. Arnold, Jack B. "Nine Psychologists: Mapping the Collective Mind with Google."

11. Santuzzi, Alecia M., Patricia L. Metzger, and Janet B. Ruscher. "Body Image and Expected Future Interaction."

10. Gonçalves, Gabriela, Michel Désert, and Jacques-Philippe Leyens. "Extending Stereotype Threat to Behavior under No Evaluative Pressure."

09. Nasser, Ramzi, and Kamal Abouchedid. "Effects of Gender and Choice of Major on the Estimates of Multiple Intelligences for Self, Mother, and Father among Lebanese Youth."

08. Cramer, Kenneth M., and Lynn A Perreault. "Effects of Predictability, Actual Controllability, and Awareness of Choice on Perceptions of Control."

07. Eller, Anja, and Dominic Abrams. "A People's Entente Cordial? The Role of Implicit Attitude in the Relationship between English-French Contact, Levels of Categorization and Explicit Intergroup Attitudes."

06. Moss, Simon A., and Simon Ngu. "The Relationship between Personality and Leadership Preferences."

05. Choi, Yeon, and Jeongkoo Yoon. "Effects of Leaders' Self-Sacrificial Behavior and Competency on Followers' Attribution of Charismatic Leadership among Americans and Koreans."

04. Kruger, Daniel J., and Maryanne L. Fisher. "Alternative Male Mating Strategies are Intuitive to Women."

03. Turner, Rhiannon N., Rachael Forrester, Brendan Mulhern, and Richard J. Crisp. "Impairment of Executive Abilities Following a Social Category Prime."

02. Riketta, Michael. "Gender and Socially Desirable Responding as Moderators of the Correlation between Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem"

01. Nasser, Ramzi, Sushila Singhal, Kamal Abouchedid. "Causal Attributions for Poverty among Indian Youth."

Volume 10 Numbers 01-18

18. Oldmeadow, Julian, Michael J. Platow, and Margaret Foddy. "Task-Groups as Self-Categories: A Social Identity Perspective on Status Generalization"

17. Wayment, Heidi A. "Self-Handicapping: Gender, Race, and Status"

16. Lucas, Jeffrey W., and Michael J. Lovaglia. "Self-Handicapping: Gender, Race, and Status"

15. Driscoll, Helen, Anne Campbell, and Steven Muncer. "Confirming the Structure of a Ten-Item Expagg Scale Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis"

14. Chu, Yun and Jerry I. Shaw. "Causal Chaining: Effects of Behavioral Domain and Outcome Valence on Perceived Causal Structure"

13. Dambrun, Michael and Donald M. Taylor. "'Race,' Sex and Social Class Differences in Cognitive Ability: Towards a Contextual Rather Than Genetic Explanation"

12. Dumas, Florence, Pascal Huguet, Jean-Marc Monteil, Claire Rastoul, and John B. Nezlek. "Social Comparison in the Classroom: Is There a Tendency to Compare Upward in Elementary School?"

11. Emanuelson, Pamela. "Improving the Precision and Parsimony of Network Exchange Theory: A Comparison of Three Network Exchange Models"

10. Costarelli, Sandro. "Social Identity Threat and Experienced Affect: The Distinct Roles of Intergroup Attributions and Social Identification."

09. McIntyre, Rusty B., Charles G. Lord, Dana M. Gresky, Laura L. Ten Eyck, G. D. Jay Frye, and Charles F. Bond, Jr. "A Social Impact Trend in the Effects of Role Models on Alleviating Women's Mathematics Stereotype Threat."

08. Dutrevis, Marion and Jean-Claude Croizet. "Reputation of Intellectual Inferiority Undermines Memory Efficiency among College Students."

07. Blank, Hartmut. "Conversation Logic Effects in the Minimal Group Paradigm: Existent but Weak"

06. Reimer, Torsten, Rui Mata, and Markus Stoeklin. "The Use of Heuristics in Persuasion: Deriving Cues on Source Expertise from Argument Quality."

05. Schyns, Birgit, and Karin Sanders. "Mood and the Evaluation of Leaders: A Replication Using an Employee Sample"

04. Anderson, Irina. "Explaining Negative Rape Victim Perception: Homophobia and the Male Rape Victim"

03. Shelly, Ann Converse, and Robert K. Shelly. "The Relationship of Cognitive Development to Interaction Inequality"

02. Costarelli, Sandro, and Rose Marie Callà. "Self-Directed Negative Affect: The Distinct Roles of Ingroup Identification and Outgroup Derogation."

01. Willer, Robb. "The Effects of Government-Issued Terror Warnings on Presidential Approval Ratings."

Volume 9 Numbers 01-17

17. Bassett, Jonathan F., David A. Washburn, Eric J. Vanman, James M. Dabbs Jr. "Assessing the Affective Simon Paradigm as a Measure of Individual Differences in Implicit Social Cognition about Death."

16. Ladebo, Olugbenga. "Employees' Personal Motives for Engaging in Citizenship Behavior: The Case of Workers in Nigeria's Agriculture Industry."

15. Burgess, Mark, Michael S. Gordon, Mark Shevlin, and Keith Morgan. "Would You Save an Uncaring Relative from a Burning Building? Considerations of Relatedness and Previous Care in Predictions of Altruism."

14. Short, Robert R. "Justice, Politics, and Prejudice Regarding Immigration Attitudes."

13. Fernquist, Robert M. "Educational Attainment and the Payoff of Education: Black Male Suicide in the United States, 1947-1998."

12. Coryn, Chris L., James M. Beale, and Krista Myers. "Response to September 11: Anxiety, Patriotism, and Prejudice in the Aftermath of Terror."

11. Richetin, Juliette, Jean-Claude Croizet, and Pascal Huguet. "Facial Make-Up Elicits Positive Attitudes at the Implicit Level: Evidence from the Implicit Association Test."

10. Bassett, Jonathan F., and Brett Moss. "Men and Women Prefer Risk Takers as Romantic and Nonromantic Partners."

09. Crisp, Richard J., and Matthew J. Farr. "Moderation of Intergroup Memory Bias via Crossed Categorization."

08. McCabe, Amy E., and Laura A. Brannon. "An Examination of Racial Subtypes versus Subgroups."

07. Evans, David C., Allen J. Hart, and Janna C. Hicks. "Are Race and Gender Central or Peripheral Traits? Examining Evaluative Amplification of Personality Impressions in the Classic Asch Paradigm."

06. Blank, Hartmut. "Identifying Dominant Allocation Strategies of Individuals in the Minimal Group Paradigm."

05. O'Rourke, Norm. "Biased Responding, Neuroticism, and Perceived Control among Older Adults."

04. Schyns, Birgit, and Karin Sanders. "Mood and the Evaluation of Leaders."

03. Grant, Malcolm J., Cathryn M. Button, T. Edward Hannah, Abraham S. Ross. "The Role of Ideological Consistency in Attitude Inferences."

02. Wayment, Heidi A., and Andrea Cordova. "Mental Models of Attachment, Social Strain, and Distress Following a Collective Loss: A Structural Modeling Analysis."

01. Rohall, David E. "Macro- and Micro-Social Conditions Affecting Individual Sense of Mattering during a Period of Downsizing."

Volume 8 Numbers 01-21

21. Leung, Cynthia, and Susan Moore. "Individual and Cultural Gender Roles: A Comparison of Anglo-Australians and Chinese in Australia."

20. Dimdins, Girts, Henry Montgomery, and Ivars Austers. "The False Polarization Effect in Explanations of Attitudinal Behavior."

19. Aberson, Christopher L. "Aversive Bias Toward Gay Men?"

18. Allison, Scott T., and Dafna Eylon. "Ambiguity as Friend or Foe: The Use of Ambiguous Information in the Self-Serving Achievement of Task Goals."

17. Hall, Natalie R., and Richard J. Crisp. "Anxiety-Induced Response Perseverance and Stereotyping Change."

16. Girard, Dudley, and Casey A. Borch. "Optimal Seek Simplified."

15. O'Rourke, Norm, and Philippe Cappeliez. "Intra-Couple Variability in Marital Aggrandizement: Idealization and Satisfaction within Enduring Relationships."

14. Dambrun, Michael, Gerard Despres, and Serge Guimond. "On the Multifaceted Nature of Prejudice: Psychophysiological Responses to Ingroup and Outgroup Ethnic Stimuli."

13. Hunter, John A. "Ingroup Favoring Allocations and Domain Specific Self Esteem in the Minimal Group Setting."

12. Miles, Jeffrey A., and Stefanie E. Naumann. "The Effects of Group Affiliation on Third Parties' Justice Perceptions."

11. Zorkina, Yuliya, and David P. Nalbone. "Effect of Induced Level of Confidence on College Students' Performance on a Cognitive Test."

10. Hunter, John A. "State, Category Specific Self-Esteem and Intergroup Discrimination."

09. McCutcheon, Lynn E. "Machiavellianism, Belief in a Just World, and the Tendency to Worship Celebrities."

08. Forrest, Sarah, and Mark Shevlin. "Alternative Factor Models of the Expagg Scale: A Re-Evaluation Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis."

07. Nasser, Ramzi, Kamal Abouchedid, and Kilal Khashan. "Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty Comparing Three National Groups: Lebanon, Portugal, and South Africa."

06. Gotwals, John, and Heidi A. Wayment. "Evaluation Strategies, Self Esteem, and Athletic Performance."

05. Forrest, Krista D. "Voiceless: The Effects of Unfair Procedures on Recipients and Observers in Small Groups."

04. Hakansson, Jakob, and Henry Montgomery. "The Role of Action in Empathy from the Perspectives of the Empathizer and the Target."

03. Florack, Arnd, Ursula Piontkoski, Ina Knocks, Julia Rottmann, Pia Thiemann. "Attitude Change: The Case of Attitudes towards the 'Green Card' in Germany."

02. Grant, Malcolm J., Cathryn M. Button, T. Edward Hannah, and Abraham S. Ross. "Uncovering the Multidimensional Nature of Stereotype Inferences: A Within-Participants Study of Gender, Age, and Physical Attractiveness."

01. Rohall, David, Shelia R. Cotten, and Charlie Morgan. "Internet Use and the Self Concept: Linking Specific Uses to Global Self-Esteem."

Volume 7 Numbers 01-20

20. Hopcroft, Rosemary. "Is Gender Still a Status Characteristic?"

19. McCutcheon, Lynn E. and John Maltby. "Personality Attributions about Individuals High and Low in the Tendency to Worship Celebrities."

18. Chapman, Elaine S. and Susan E. McGregor. "Effects of Interpersonal Attraction on Cooperative Learning Outcomes for Secondary Level Students."

17. Chapman, Elaine. "Effects of Social Cohesiveness and Cooperative Incentives on Small Group Learning Outcomes."

16. Jelenec, Petra, and Melanie C. Steffens. "Implicit Attitudes Toward Elderly Women and Men."

15. Woodrow, Lindy, and Elaine Chapman. "Assessing the Motivational Goal Orientations of International English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Students."

14. Andreopoulou, Alexia, and Diane M. Huston. "The Impact of Collective Self-Esteem on Intergroup Evaluation: Self-Protection and Self-Enhancement."

13. Aberson, Christopher L. and Lauren M. Howanski. "Effects of Self Esteem, Status, and Identification on Two Forms of Ingroup Bias."

12. Cameron, Kimerbly A., Julia Zuwerink Jacks, and Maureen E. O'Brien. "An Experimental Examination of Strategies for Resisting Persuasion."

11. Fricker, Julie and Susan Morre. "Relationship Satisfaction: The Role of Love Styles and Attachment Styles."

10. Langlois, Michelle W., Kenneth M. Cramer, and Robin B. Mohagen. "Isolating the Effects of Control, Choice, and Prediction."

09. Felfe, J_rg and Birgit Schyns. "The Relationship Between Employees' Occupational Self-Efficacy and Perceived Transformational Leadership-Replication, An Extension of Recent Results."

08. Dambrun, Micha_l, Serge Guimond, and Sandra Duarte. "The Impact of Hierarchy-Enhancing vs. Attenuating Academic Major on Stereotyping: The Mediating Role of Perceived Social Norm."

07. Nasser, Ramzi and Kamal Abouchedid. "Attributions for the Causes of Peace and Locus of Control: Their Relation in a Country Where There is Conflict."

06. McCutcheon, Lynn E. "Are Parasocial Relationship Styles Reflected in Love Styles?"

05. Treharne, Gareth J., Antonia C. Lyons and Rachel E. Tupling. "The Effects of Optimism, Pessimism, Social Support, and Mood on the Lagged Relationship Between Daily Stress and Symptoms."

04. Jones, Daniel N. and Elizabeth Ince. "The Effects of Cognitive Dissonance on Interpersonal Perception and Reassertion."

03. Schyns, Birgit. "The Relationship Between Employees' Self-Monitoring and Occupational Self-Efficacy and Perceived Transformational Leadership."

02. Cernat, Vasile. "I Know What You Did Last Millennium: Ethnic Stereotype and Attitude Change After Reminding People of Historical Events."

01. Lassiter, G. Daniel et al. "Criminal Confessions on Videotape: Does Camera Perspective Bias Their Perceived Veracity?"

Volume 6 Numbers 01-18

18. Fernquist, Robert M. "Education, Race/Ethnicity, Age, Sex, and Suicide: Individual-Level Data in the United States, 1991-1994."

17. Rashotte, Lisa Slattery. "Some Effects of Demeanor on the Meaning of Behaviors in Context."

16. Chapin, John. "Optimistic Bias Regarding Campus Violence."

15. Levesque, Maurice J., Charles A. Lowe and Catherine Mendenhall. "Self-Handicapping as a Method of Self-Presentation: An Analysis of Costs and Benefits."

14. Nasser, Ramzi and Kamal Abouchedid. "Causal Attribution of Poverty among Lebanese University Students."

13. Troyer, Lisa. "Effects of Protocol Differences on the Study of Status and Social Influence."

12. Hein F. M. Lodenwijkx. "Individual-Group Continuity in Cooperation and Competition under Varying Communication Conditions."

11. Brown, Stephen L. and Bedi Gillinder. "The Relationship between Coping Style and Affect in Recovering Cardiac Patients."

10. Shelly, Robert K., Ian M. Handley, Jessica Baer, and Stacey Watson. "Groups and Affect: Sentiments, Emotions, and Performance Expectations."

09. Ashe, Diane D. and Lynn E. McCutcheon. "Shyness, Loneliness, and Attitude toward Celebrities."

08. Anderson, Irina and Victoria Swainson. "Perceived Motivation for Rape: Gender Differences in Beliefs about Female and Male Rape."

07. Lodewijkx, Hein F. M. and J. E. M M. Syroit. "Affiliation During Naturalistic Severe and Mild Initiations: Some Further Evidence Against the Severity-Attraction Hypothesis."

06. Karylowski, Jerzy J, et. al. "Sprontaneous Gender-Stereotypical Categorization of Trait Labels and Job Labels."

05. Yela, Carlos and Jose Luis Sangrador. "Perception of Physical Attractiveness Throughout Loving Relationships."

04. Miller, Richard L. and William Wozniak. "Counter-Attitudinal Advocacy: Effort vs. Self-Generation of Arguments."

03. Castelli, Luigi, Cristina Zogmaister and Luciano Arcuri. "Exemplar Activation and Interpersonal Behavior."

02. Bakken, Tim. "The Efficacy of Reinforcement Schedules and Knowledge of Results in Effecting Behavioral Change."

01. Shaw, Jerry I. and W. Neil Steers. "Gathering Information to Form an Impression: Attribute Categories and Information Valence."

Volume 5 Numbers 01-21

21. Julka, Deana L. and Kerry L. Marsh. "Matching Persuasive Messages to Experimentally Induced Needs."

20. Indick, William, John Kim, Beth Oelberger, Lauren Semino. "Gender Differences in Moral Judgement: Is Non-Consequential Reasoning a Factor?"

19. Ponton, Michael K. and Paul B. Carr. "Understanding and Promoting Autonomy in Self-Directed Learning"

18. Gu_guen, Nicolas and Alexandre Pascual. "Evocation of Freedom and Compliance: The 'But You Are Free of ...' Technique"

17. Dugosh, Jeremy W. "On Predicting Relationship Satisfaction from Jealousy: The Moderating Effects of Love."

16. Morin, Alain and Lisa Craig. "Self-Awareness, Self-Esteem, and Alcohol Use in Famous and Relatively Well-Known Individuals."

15. McCutcheon, Lynn E. "The Desirability of Control Scale: Still Reliable and Valid Twenty Years Later."

14. Eyck, Toby Ten. "Interpersonal and Mass Communication: Matters of Trust and Control."

13. Karr, Linda Bridges. "New Horizons in Cross-National Experimentation."

12. Behson, Scott J., Erik R. Eddy, and Steven J. Lorenzet. "The Importance of the Critical Psychological States in the Job Characteristics Model: A Meta-Analytic and Structural Equations Modeling Examination."

11. Childers, Kevin. "Status Characteristics Theory and Sexual Orientation: Explaining Gender Differences in Responses to Sexual Orientation."

10. Fan, Cynthia, and Wally Karnilowicz. "The Mathematics Achievement and Aspirations of Chinese-Australian Girls and Anglo-Australian Girls in Australia."

09. Abouchedid, Kamal and Ramzi Nasser. "External and Internal Social Barriers in Stereotyping University Majors."

08. Kim, Young M. "Whites' Explanations of Blacks' Socioeconomic Underachievement: Individualism, Structuralism, and Status Inconsistency."

07. Hunter, John A., Jo M. Reid, Natalie M. Stokell, and Michael J. Platow. "Social Attribution, Self-Esteem, and Social Identity."

06. Corra, Mamadi. "Applying Resistance to Ordering in Exchange Networks: A Theoretical Extension."

05. Riketta, Michael. "Discriminative Validation of Numerical Indices of Attitude Ambivalence."

04. Polimeni, Anne-Maree, Elizabeth Hardie, and Simone Buzwell. "Homophobia among Australian Heterosexuals: The Role of Sex, Gender Role Ideology, and Gender Role Traits."

03. Morin, Alain. "History of Exposure to Audiences as a Developmental Antecedent of Public Self-Consciousness."

02. DeCoster, Jamie and Eliot R. Smith. "Savings in Relearning through Exposure to Same-Group Exemplars."

01. McGarty, Craig. "The Citation Impact Factor in Social Psychology: A Bad Statistic that Encourages Bad Science?"

Volume 4 Numbers 01-09

09. Hunter, John, A. and Maurice Stringer. "Attributional Bias and Identity in a Conflict Region: The Moderating Effects of Status."

08. Denton, David W. "The Attraction-Selection-Attrition Model of Organizational Behavior and the Homogeneity of Managerial Personality"

07. Kaplan, Amy, and Joachim Krueger. "Compliance After Threat: Self-Affirmation or Self-Presentation?"

06. Hunter, John A., Kerry S. O'Brien, and Andrew C. Grocott. "Social Identity, Domain Specific Self-Esteem and Intergroup Evaluation."

05. Page, Stewart. "Two Studies of Gender and Reporting Differences with the Beck Depression Inventory."

04. Parks, C. Alan and Douglas Waldo. "Assessing Voluntary Turnover Likelihood Using Personality Traits Measured During Pre-Employment Selection."

03. Moore, Susan M., Gerard Kennedy, Brett Furlonger, and Kaylene Evers. "Sex, Sex-Roles, and Romantic Attitudes: Finding the Balance."

02. Walker, Henry A. "A Program for Calculating P(s) in Complex, Asymmetric Status Structures."

01. De Brabander, Bert, Johan Hellemans, and Christophe Boone. "Selection-Pressure Induces a Shift towards More Internal Scores on Rotter's 1-E Locus of Control Scale."

Volume 3 Numbers 01-08

08. Lyons, Antonia C., and Kerry Chamberlain. "Daily Events and Physical Symptoms: Effects of Event Type, Optimism, Pessimism, and Health Behaviors."

07. Hunter, John A. "Inter-Group Evaluative Bias and Self-Esteem among Christians."

06. Ponton, Michael K. "A Simple Approximation for the Calculation of Probabilities in Normal Distributions."

05. Whitmeyer, Joseph. "A Program for Calculating P(s) in Complex, Symmetric Status Structures."

04. Meeker, Barbara F. and Gregory C. Elliot. "Need, Merit, and Reward Expectations."

03. Ten Eyck, Toby A. "Processing Information: Interpersonal and Mass Mediated Communication and the Modern Self"

02. Bonacich, Phillip. "The Evolutionary Stability of Strategies in Exchange Networks."

01. De Cremer, David and Mark van Vugt. "Collective Identity and Cooperation in a Public Goods Dilemma: A Matter of Trust or Self-Efficacy?"

Volume 2 Numbers 01-07

07. Dugosh, Jeremy W. and Rosalee R. Alaniz. "Female Accommodation Within and Across Ethnicity of Co-Actor"

06. Wolfinger, Nicholas H. and Jerome Rabow. "The Different Voices of Gender: Social Recognition."

05. Blank, Hartmut. "Cooperative Participants Discriminate (Not Always): A Logic of Conversation Approach to the Minimal Group Paradigm."

04. Hart, Allen J., Roselle L. Wissler, and Michael J. Saks. "Multidimensional Perceptions of Illness and Injury."

03. Markovsky, Barry. "Evolution and Nebulousness in Theories."

02.Whitmeyer, Joseph. "Applying General Equilibrium Analysis and Game Theory to Exchange Networks."

01. Lovaglia, Michael J. and Jeffrey W. Lucas. "Group Processes and Individual Scores on Standardized Tests: A Theoretical Note and Basis for Investigation.".

Volume 1 Numbers 01-07

07. Watters, Paul A., Peter J. Ball and Stuart C. Carr. "Social Processes as Dynamical Processes: Qualitative Dynamical Systems Theory in Social Psychology."

06. Shelly, Robert K. "'Feminine Speech in Homogeneous Gender Groups."

05. Skvoretz, John. "An Algorithm to Generate Connected Graphs."

04. Markovsky, Barry. "Theory, Science, and 'Micro-macro' Bridges in Structural Social Psychology."

03. Grusky, Bonacich, Webster. "The Coalition Structure of the Four-person Family."

02. Lovaglia, Skvoretz, Markovsky, Willer. "Assessing Fundamental Power Differences in Exchange Networks: Iterative GPI."

01. Bonacich, "Four Kinds of Social Dilemmas within Exchange Networks"