CRISP Archived Issues
Volume 33
Volume 32
Volume 31
Volume 30
02. Matthew Facciani. A Novel Approach for Measuring Self-Affirmation.
Volume 29
Volume 28
Volume 27
Volume 26
04. Kim, Bora. "Relation Between Attitudinal Trust and Behavioral Trust: An Exploratory Study."
05. Shank, Daniel, and Alexander Burns. "Comparing Groups' Affective Sentiments to Group Perceptions."
Volume 25
06. Lisa Slattery Walker and Shahar S. Gur. "Telecommuting, Primary Caregiving, and Gender as Status."
Volume 24
Volume 23 Numbers 01-08
Volume 22 Numbers 01-13
10. Chris Barnum and Tiffany Miller. "Neighborhood Deterioration and Perceptions of Race."
Volume 21 Numbers 01-10
09. Michael R. Ransom and Mark D. Alicke. "On Bended Knee: Embodiment and Religious Judgments."
08. R.C. Morris, "Identity Salience and Identity Importance in Identity Theory."
06. Ola Nordhall and Jens Agerstrom. "Future-Oriented People Show Strong Moral Concerns."
05. Michael Harrod. "Further Examining the Buffering Effect of Self-Esteem and Mastery on Emotions."
01. Michael J. Carter. "The Moral Identity and Group Affiliation."
Volume 20 Numbers 01-07
Volume 19 Numbers 01-03
02. Daniel M. Rempala. "Interhemispheric Communication and Emotional Reactivity."
Volume 18 Numbers 01-06
06. Marcia A. Finkelstein. "Dispositional Correlates of Informal Volunteering."
05. Crosby Hipes. "The Stigma of Mental Health Treatment in the Military: An Experimental Approach."
04. Scott Brenton. "When the Personal Becomes Political: Mitigating Damage Following Scandals."
Volume 17 Numbers 01-05
Volume 16 Numbers 01-12
11. Andreas Schneider and Herman W. Smith. "Religious Attributions in Cross-Cultural Comparison."
Volume 15 Numbers 01-12
10. Daniel B. Shank. "An Affect Control Theory of Technology."
08. Youngreen, Reef. "Status Change and the Presentation of Minority Perspectives."
07. Stalder, Daniel R. "The Power of Proverbs: Dissonance Reduction Through Common Sayings."
Volume 14 Numbers 01-10
05. Kast, Chris. "Social Identity Similarity Effects on Interpersonal Evaluation."
Volume 13 Numbers 01-21
20. Pittman, Chavella T. "The Relationship between Social Influence and Social Justice Behaviors."
14. Hack, Andreas, and Frauke Lammers. "When Social Accounts Work: Evidence from Ultimatum Games."
12. Fointiat, Valérie. "Being Together in a Situation of Induces Hypocrisy."
05. Nath, Leda E. "Expectation States: Are Formal Words a Status Cue for Competence?"
03. Barnum, Christopher, and Bary Markovsky. "Group Membership and Social Influence."
Volume 12 Numbers 01-13
02. Hall, Scott S. "Parental Predictors of Young Adults' Belief Systems of Marriage."
Volume 11 Numbers 01-16
12. Arnold, Jack B. "Nine Psychologists: Mapping the Collective Mind with Google."
Volume 10 Numbers 01-18
17. Wayment, Heidi A. "Self-Handicapping: Gender, Race, and Status"
16. Lucas, Jeffrey W., and Michael J. Lovaglia. "Self-Handicapping: Gender, Race, and Status"
07. Blank, Hartmut. "Conversation Logic Effects in the Minimal Group Paradigm: Existent but Weak"
Volume 9 Numbers 01-17
14. Short, Robert R. "Justice, Politics, and Prejudice Regarding Immigration Attitudes."
08. McCabe, Amy E., and Laura A. Brannon. "An Examination of Racial Subtypes versus Subgroups."
05. O'Rourke, Norm. "Biased Responding, Neuroticism, and Perceived Control among Older Adults."
04. Schyns, Birgit, and Karin Sanders. "Mood and the Evaluation of Leaders."
Volume 8 Numbers 01-21
19. Aberson, Christopher L. "Aversive Bias Toward Gay Men?"
16. Girard, Dudley, and Casey A. Borch. "Optimal Seek Simplified."
10. Hunter, John A. "State, Category Specific Self-Esteem and Intergroup Discrimination."
Volume 7 Numbers 01-20
20. Hopcroft, Rosemary. "Is Gender Still a Status Characteristic?"
16. Jelenec, Petra, and Melanie C. Steffens. "Implicit Attitudes Toward Elderly Women and Men."
06. McCutcheon, Lynn E. "Are Parasocial Relationship Styles Reflected in Love Styles?"
Volume 6 Numbers 01-18
17. Rashotte, Lisa Slattery. "Some Effects of Demeanor on the Meaning of Behaviors in Context."
16. Chapin, John. "Optimistic Bias Regarding Campus Violence."
13. Troyer, Lisa. "Effects of Protocol Differences on the Study of Status and Social Influence."
09. Ashe, Diane D. and Lynn E. McCutcheon. "Shyness, Loneliness, and Attitude toward Celebrities."
Volume 5 Numbers 01-21
14. Eyck, Toby Ten. "Interpersonal and Mass Communication: Matters of Trust and Control."
13. Karr, Linda Bridges. "New Horizons in Cross-National Experimentation."
06. Corra, Mamadi. "Applying Resistance to Ordering in Exchange Networks: A Theoretical Extension."
05. Riketta, Michael. "Discriminative Validation of Numerical Indices of Attitude Ambivalence."
Volume 4 Numbers 01-09
02. Walker, Henry A. "A Program for Calculating P(s) in Complex, Asymmetric Status Structures."
Volume 3 Numbers 01-08
07. Hunter, John A. "Inter-Group Evaluative Bias and Self-Esteem among Christians."
05. Whitmeyer, Joseph. "A Program for Calculating P(s) in Complex, Symmetric Status Structures."
04. Meeker, Barbara F. and Gregory C. Elliot. "Need, Merit, and Reward Expectations."
02. Bonacich, Phillip. "The Evolutionary Stability of Strategies in Exchange Networks."
Volume 2 Numbers 01-07
06. Wolfinger, Nicholas H. and Jerome Rabow. "The Different Voices of Gender: Social Recognition."
03. Markovsky, Barry. "Evolution and Nebulousness in Theories."
02.Whitmeyer, Joseph. "Applying General Equilibrium Analysis and Game Theory to Exchange Networks."
Volume 1 Numbers 01-07
06. Shelly, Robert K. "'Feminine Speech in Homogeneous Gender Groups."
05. Skvoretz, John. "An Algorithm to Generate Connected Graphs."
04. Markovsky, Barry. "Theory, Science, and 'Micro-macro' Bridges in Structural Social Psychology."
03. Grusky, Bonacich, Webster. "The Coalition Structure of the Four-person Family."
01. Bonacich, "Four Kinds of Social Dilemmas within Exchange Networks"