Notice To Contributors
CRISP is an electronic peer-reviewed research journal that focuses on empirical tests of social psychological theories. Preference is given to articles that both develop theory and test hypotheses developed from theory. CRISP may publish manuscripts that focus on theory development when manuscripts describe valid methods for testing theory-based predictions. We ask that authors only submit one paper at a time for review. Once a final editorial decision has been made on a paper, whether accept or reject, the author may submit another manuscript. Please submit manuscripts as an email attachment to the editor,
Formatting Guidelines
CRISP does not have a copy editor; we rely on authors to ensure manuscripts meet the criteria provided on this page.
Feel free to use articles on our CRISP archive page as formatting guides while you write. If you are using MS-Word, you may find it helpful to download the CRISP Ms-Word Template: crispformat.docx.
For specific formatting guidelines, please download crisp_formatting_guidelines.doc.